Why SME’s Should Invest In Managed Detection & Response


By Jorge Geddes, our IT & Cyber Security Account Manager, who has over 15 years’ experience helping business’ find the right Cyber Security solutions. 

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly becoming targets of cyber attacks, and it is important for these businesses to invest in managed cyber security detection and response services to prevent cyber crime. Here are a few reasons why SMEs should consider investing in these services: 


Expertise and resources: Cybersecurity can be a complex and constantly evolving field, and it can be difficult for SMEs to keep up with the latest threats and best practices. Managed cyber security detection and response services provide access to expert cybersecurity professionals who can monitor and protect a company's systems around the clock. These professionals have the necessary resources and expertise to identify and respond to cyber threats, as well as implement effective security measures to prevent attacks from happening in the first place. 


Cost-effective: Investing in in-house cybersecurity resources can be expensive, especially for SMEs with limited budgets. Managed cyber security detection and response services offer a cost-effective alternative, as they provide access to professional cybersecurity expertise at a fraction of the cost of hiring an in-house team. 


Continuous monitoring: Cyber-attacks can happen at any time, and it is important for businesses to have continuous monitoring in place to detect and respond to threats as quickly as possible. Managed cyber security detection and response services provide this continuous monitoring, ensuring that a company's systems are protected around the clock. 


Customized solutions: Managed cyber security detection and response services offer customized solutions that are tailored to a company's specific needs and risk profile. This ensures that the cybersecurity measures in place are effective and targeted towards the most pressing threats. 


Compliance: Many industries have strict regulations and compliance requirements when it comes to cybersecurity. Managed cyber security detection and response services can help SMEs ensure that they are in compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of fines or other penalties. 


Reputation: A cyber attack can have serious consequences for a company's reputation, leading to loss of customer trust and a decline in business. Managed cyber security detection and response services can help prevent attacks from happening in the first place, protecting a company's reputation and its relationship with customers. 


In conclusion, SMEs should invest in managed cyber security detection and response services to protect themselves from cyber attacks. These services provide access to expert cybersecurity professionals, are cost-effective, offer continuous monitoring, provide customized solutions, help with compliance, and protect a company's reputation. Investing in these services is an important step for SMEs looking to protect their businesses from cybercrime.